Feb 20: Nice Things concert series, Cappelens Forslag, Oslo, Norway
Mar 8: Alpaca Ensemble: VinterRiss 2025 Sparebanksalen Black-box, Halden, Norway
Apr 12: Alpaca Ensemble: Social Behaviour, Mimesis og begjær (World Premiere). Only Connect Festival, Trondheim, Norway
Apr 13: Trondheim Sinfonietta: Ti tiltak for sinfonietta (World Premiere). Only Connect Festival, Trondheim, Norway
Jan 25: Grenager / Rasten with Alpaca Ensemble. Sentralen, Oslo, Norway
Feb 10: Interpuls Festival, Oslo, Norway
Feb 16: Musical Meeting Point, with Alan Courtis, Luis Fernando Amaya and Inga Aas. Sagene Kunstsmie, Oslo, Norway
Feb 25: TFK performing works by Tine Surel Lange and Vanessa Massera at Fyrvika, Andenes, Norway
March 16: Presenting gomA at MIR, Oslo, Norway
Apr 3: Ding-Dong: TFK and Kalle Moberg, NMH, Oslo, Norway
Apr 25: Alpaca Ensemble at Only Connect, Oslo, Norway
Apr 27: Music For Three Spaces, Church of Huopalahti, Helsinki Finland
Apr 27: Premiere “to surpass constellations” for clarinet, e-guitar, flute, piano and electronics. Church of Huopalahti, Helsinki Finland
Apr 28: Music For Three Spaces, Villa Hakasalmi, Helsinki, Finland
Apr 29: Music For Three Spaces, Asbestos Art Space, Helsinki, Finland
May 1: gomA trio, Sagene Kunstsmie Galleri, Oslo, Norway
July 28—Aug 11: Encounters between Arts, Ethnography and Pedagogy. Lesbos, Greece
Sep 3: Solo set in the concert series Gutvik Ukentlig. Café MIR, Oslo, Norway
Sep 28: Improverk with gomA. Oslo, Norway
Oct 24: Lene Grenager with Alpaca Ensemble. Dokkhuset, Trondheim, Norway
Nov 16: “As Silent As Bombs” by Wei Ting. NMH, Oslo, Norway
July 4—9: Time of Music, w/Joan la Barbara. Viitasaari, Finland
July 9: John Cage: Song Books. Theatre, Viitasaari, Finland
Jul 23—Aug 5: Impuls Academy, Graz, Austria
July 30: Expect the Unexpected: The Writing Game w/Berharnd Lang. KUG, Brandhof21, Aula. Graz, Austria
Aug 18: Norwegian Premiere of “Acropora” by Sofie Meyer in UNM Festival. MIR, Oslo, Norway
Aug 27: Confluence of waves. With Luis Fernando Amaya, Magnus Breivik Løvseth, Émilie Fortin and Kalun Leung. MIR, Oslo, Norway
Sep 1—10: Royaumont Academy, Paris, France
Sept 14—19: Pytheas Travels with TFK. Ultima Festival. Oslo, Norway
Oct 12: As silent as bombs: Bang, world premiere by Wei Ting. Tenthaus Oslo, Norway
Oct 28: TFK Morgernkonsert in Domkirkeodden Hamar, Norway
Nov 4: Inner / Outer: A sonic exploration of literary connection between Scandinavia and Latin America at the event I AM UNDONE Vol. 4. Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway
Dec 3: Bluff by Michael Beil at the NMH, Oslo, Norway
Dec 4-10: Residency at Elvermose with Sofie Meyer, Denmark
Jan 14: une fissure dans le système, Improvisation concert. Lyon, France
Jan 29: World Premiere of Verbo y Carne by Dudu Bongo & Román Cadafalch, Cines Zumeig. Barcelona, Spain
Feb 2—3: Festival Cabaret, improvised music. Lyon, France
Mar 9: The Neutrals, released new album.
Mar 10: World premiere of ritual dissent by Elena Perales Andreu. Théâtre Astrée. Lyon, France
Apr 28: Subito New Music Week Festival. World premieres of works by Francis St-Germain, Fiona Xue Ju & Giordano Bruno do Nascimento. Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg. Hamburg, Germany
May 15: World premiere of Árbol de Bocas by Luis Fernando Amaya. Northwestern University, Chicago, USA
Jun 7: Blurred Edges Festival. Kirchengemeinde Ottensen. Hamburg, Germany
Jun 18: SPIIC Ensemble. Hamburg, Germany
Jul 14: disidencia ritual. World premiere of disidencia ritual by elena perales andreu in collaboration with Lucía Aragón and Ana María Bermúdez
Sept 10: Rondò in Monferrato: International Workshop for Young Composers 2022 with Divertimento Ensemble
Sep 11: Rondò in Monferrato: International Workshop for Young Composers 2022 with Divertimento Ensemble
Sep 12: Rondò in Monferrato
Sep 21: Huella ignorada, World premiere of three new pieces by elena perales andreu and Camila Nebbia at Ultima Festival. Oslo, Norway
Jan 4—10: Copper Leg Art Residency, Rae Koolimaja. Vaskjala, Estonia.
Feb 15: CoPeCo Improconcert. Royal College of Music of Stockholm. Live streaming.
Feb 22: North-American Experiment Music. Royal College of Music of Stockholm. Live streaming.
Mar 8: Togetherness. 5 hours performance. Royal College of Music of Stockholm. Live streaming.
Mar 25: Svensk Musikvår Festival, Stockholm.
Apr 1: Vínculo Espontáneo. Stockholm, Live streaming.
May 3: amorphous·dark·soft·Viscous·matter - Solo performance. Stockholm, Live streaming.
July 4—18: Konvent Art Residency, Spain.
Jul 15: Nocturna Discordia, Soda Acústic. Barcelona, Spain.
Aug 8: WAM#1, CasaRosa. Barcelona, Spain.
Aug 27: Una grieta en el sistema / microimprovisaciones (I). Live-streaming.
Sep 18—19: Togetherness Chapter 2, Journées du Matrimoine/Patrimoine. Lyon, France.
Sep 30—3: Mixtur Festival. Barcelona, Spain.
Oct 4—17: Early Voices Ensemble tour- Norway.
Nov 12: XIV Ciclo Jóvenes Solistas Murcia. Perales Andreu & Nebbia dúo. Auditorio de Algezares. Murcia, Spain.
Nov 14: Ciclo Raras Músicas sesión 106. Perales Andreu, Nebbia, Prado trío. Centro Cultural La Tortuga, Madrid.
Nov 29: LaboConcert. Lyon, France.
Sep 11: 65M. Festival Tartu Interdistsiplinaar. Ensemble. Tartu, Estonia.
Oct 9: Improconcert. Trio. Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Tallinn, Estonia.
Nov 8: Release: Perales Andreu/Castrillón - Saturations & noise transformations in two dimensions. Art First Records, Helsinki.
Nov 24: For Morton Feldman, 12 hours Performance. MüriadFest. Tallinn, Estonia.
Nov 25: 25N. Ensemble. Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Tallinn, Estonia.
Dec 4: Improtest. Solo. Kanuti Gildi Saal. Tallinn, Estonia.
Dec 13: no metaphor, a performance for performers. Solo. Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Tallinn, Estonia.
Feb 20: Nice Things concert series, Cappelens Forslag, Oslo, Norway
Mar 8: Alpaca Ensemble: VinterRiss 2025 Sparebanksalen Black-box, Halden, Norway
Apr 12: Alpaca Ensemble: Social Behaviour, Mimesis og begjær (World Premiere). Only Connect Festival, Trondheim, Norway
Apr 13: Trondheim Sinfonietta: Ti tiltak for sinfonietta (World Premiere). Only Connect Festival, Trondheim, Norway
Jan 25: Grenager / Rasten with Alpaca Ensemble. Sentralen, Oslo, Norway
Feb 10: Interpuls Festival, Oslo, Norway
Feb 16: Musical Meeting Point, with Alan Courtis, Luis Fernando Amaya and Inga Aas. Sagene Kunstsmie, Oslo, Norway
Feb 25: TFK performing works by Tine Surel Lange and Vanessa Massera at Fyrvika, Andenes, Norway
March 16: Presenting gomA at MIR, Oslo, Norway
Apr 3: Ding-Dong: TFK and Kalle Moberg, NMH, Oslo, Norway
Apr 25: Alpaca Ensemble at Only Connect, Oslo, Norway
Apr 27: Music For Three Spaces, Church of Huopalahti, Helsinki Finland
Apr 27: Premiere “to surpass constellations” for clarinet, e-guitar, flute, piano and electronics. Church of Huopalahti, Helsinki Finland
Apr 28: Music For Three Spaces, Villa Hakasalmi, Helsinki, Finland
Apr 29: Music For Three Spaces, Asbestos Art Space, Helsinki, Finland
May 1: gomA trio, Sagene Kunstsmie Galleri, Oslo, Norway
July 28—Aug 11: Encounters between Arts, Ethnography and Pedagogy. Lesbos, Greece
Sep 3: Solo set in the concert series Gutvik Ukentlig. Café MIR, Oslo, Norway
Sep 28: Improverk with gomA. Oslo, Norway
Oct 24: Lene Grenager with Alpaca Ensemble. Dokkhuset, Trondheim, Norway
Nov 16: “As Silent As Bombs” by Wei Ting. NMH, Oslo, Norway
July 4—9: Time of Music, w/Joan la Barbara. Viitasaari, Finland
July 9: John Cage: Song Books. Theatre, Viitasaari, Finland
Jul 23—Aug 5: Impuls Academy, Graz, Austria
July 30: Expect the Unexpected: The Writing Game w/Berharnd Lang. KUG, Brandhof21, Aula. Graz, Austria
Aug 18: Norwegian Premiere of “Acropora” by Sofie Meyer in UNM Festival. MIR, Oslo, Norway
Aug 27: Confluence of waves. With Luis Fernando Amaya, Magnus Breivik Løvseth, Émilie Fortin and Kalun Leung. MIR, Oslo, Norway
Sep 1—10: Royaumont Academy, Paris, France
Sept 14—19: Pytheas Travels with TFK. Ultima Festival. Oslo, Norway
Oct 12: As silent as bombs: Bang, world premiere by Wei Ting. Tenthaus Oslo, Norway
Oct 28: TFK Morgernkonsert in Domkirkeodden Hamar, Norway
Nov 4: Inner / Outer: A sonic exploration of literary connection between Scandinavia and Latin America at the event I AM UNDONE Vol. 4. Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway
Dec 3: Bluff by Michael Beil at the NMH, Oslo, Norway
Dec 4-10: Residency at Elvermose with Sofie Meyer, Denmark
Feb 20: Nice Things concert series, Cappelens Forslag, Oslo, Norway
Mar 8: Alpaca Ensemble: VinterRiss 2025 Sparebanksalen Black-box, Halden, Norway
Apr 12: Alpaca Ensemble: Social Behaviour, Mimesis og begjær (World Premiere). Only Connect Festival, Trondheim, Norway
Apr 13: Trondheim Sinfonietta: Ti tiltak for sinfonietta (World Premiere). Only Connect Festival, Trondheim, Norway
Jan 25: Grenager / Rasten with Alpaca Ensemble. Sentralen, Oslo, Norway
Feb 10: Interpuls Festival, Oslo, Norway
Feb 16: Musical Meeting Point, with Alan Courtis, Luis Fernando Amaya and Inga Aas. Sagene Kunstsmie, Oslo, Norway
Feb 25: TFK performing works by Tine Surel Lange and Vanessa Massera at Fyrvika, Andenes, Norway
March 16: Presenting gomA at MIR, Oslo, Norway
Apr 3: Ding-Dong: TFK and Kalle Moberg, NMH, Oslo, Norway
Apr 25: Alpaca Ensemble at Only Connect, Oslo, Norway
Apr 27: Music For Three Spaces, Church of Huopalahti, Helsinki Finland
Apr 27: Premiere “to surpass constellations” for clarinet, e-guitar, flute, piano and electronics. Church of Huopalahti, Helsinki Finland
Apr 28: Music For Three Spaces, Villa Hakasalmi, Helsinki, Finland
Apr 29: Music For Three Spaces, Asbestos Art Space, Helsinki, Finland
May 1: gomA trio, Sagene Kunstsmie Galleri, Oslo, Norway
July 28—Aug 11: Encounters between Arts, Ethnography and Pedagogy. Lesbos, Greece
Sep 3: Solo set in the concert series Gutvik Ukentlig. Café MIR, Oslo, Norway
Sep 28: Improverk with gomA. Oslo, Norway
Oct 24: Lene Grenager with Alpaca Ensemble. Dokkhuset, Trondheim, Norway
Nov 16: “As Silent As Bombs” by Wei Ting. NMH, Oslo, Norway
July 4—9: Time of Music, w/Joan la Barbara. Viitasaari, Finland
July 9: John Cage: Song Books. Theatre, Viitasaari, Finland
Jul 23—Aug 5: Impuls Academy, Graz, Austria
July 30: Expect the Unexpected: The Writing Game w/Berharnd Lang. KUG, Brandhof21, Aula. Graz, Austria
Aug 18: Norwegian Premiere of “Acropora” by Sofie Meyer in UNM Festival. MIR, Oslo, Norway
Aug 27: Confluence of waves. With Luis Fernando Amaya, Magnus Breivik Løvseth, Émilie Fortin and Kalun Leung. MIR, Oslo, Norway
Sep 1—10: Royaumont Academy, Paris, France
Sept 14—19: Pytheas Travels with TFK. Ultima Festival. Oslo, Norway
Oct 12: As silent as bombs: Bang, world premiere by Wei Ting. Tenthaus Oslo, Norway
Oct 28: TFK Morgernkonsert in Domkirkeodden Hamar, Norway
Nov 4: Inner / Outer: A sonic exploration of literary connection between Scandinavia and Latin America at the event I AM UNDONE Vol. 4. Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway
Dec 3: Bluff by Michael Beil at the NMH, Oslo, Norway
Dec 4-10: Residency at Elvermose with Sofie Meyer, Denmark
Jan 14: une fissure dans le système, Improvisation concert. Lyon, France
Jan 29: World Premiere of Verbo y Carne by Dudu Bongo & Román Cadafalch, Cines Zumeig. Barcelona, Spain
Feb 2—3: Festival Cabaret, improvised music. Lyon, France
Mar 9: The Neutrals, released new album.
Mar 10: World premiere of ritual dissent by Elena Perales Andreu. Théâtre Astrée. Lyon, France
Apr 28: Subito New Music Week Festival. World premieres of works by Francis St-Germain, Fiona Xue Ju & Giordano Bruno do Nascimento. Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg. Hamburg, Germany
May 15: World premiere of Árbol de Bocas by Luis Fernando Amaya. Northwestern University, Chicago, USA
Jun 7: Blurred Edges Festival. Kirchengemeinde Ottensen. Hamburg, Germany
Jun 18: SPIIC Ensemble. Hamburg, Germany
Jul 14: disidencia ritual. World premiere of disidencia ritual by elena perales andreu in collaboration with Lucía Aragón and Ana María Bermúdez
Sept 10: Rondò in Monferrato: International Workshop for Young Composers 2022 with Divertimento Ensemble
Sep 11: Rondò in Monferrato: International Workshop for Young Composers 2022 with Divertimento Ensemble
Sep 12: Rondò in Monferrato
Sep 21: Huella ignorada, World premiere of three new pieces by elena perales andreu and Camila Nebbia at Ultima Festival. Oslo, Norway
Jan 4—10: Copper Leg Art Residency, Rae Koolimaja. Vaskjala, Estonia.
Feb 15: CoPeCo Improconcert. Royal College of Music of Stockholm. Live streaming.
Feb 22: North-American Experiment Music. Royal College of Music of Stockholm. Live streaming.
Mar 8: Togetherness. 5 hours performance. Royal College of Music of Stockholm. Live streaming.
Mar 25: Svensk Musikvår Festival, Stockholm.
Apr 1: Vínculo Espontáneo. Stockholm, Live streaming.
May 3: amorphous·dark·soft·Viscous·matter - Solo performance. Stockholm, Live streaming.
July 4—18: Konvent Art Residency, Spain.
Jul 15: Nocturna Discordia, Soda Acústic. Barcelona, Spain.
Aug 8: WAM#1, CasaRosa. Barcelona, Spain.
Aug 27: Una grieta en el sistema / microimprovisaciones (I). Live-streaming.
Sep 18—19: Togetherness Chapter 2, Journées du Matrimoine/Patrimoine. Lyon, France.
Sep 30—3: Mixtur Festival. Barcelona, Spain.
Oct 4—17: Early Voices Ensemble tour- Norway.
Nov 12: XIV Ciclo Jóvenes Solistas Murcia. Perales Andreu & Nebbia dúo. Auditorio de Algezares. Murcia, Spain.
Nov 14: Ciclo Raras Músicas sesión 106. Perales Andreu, Nebbia, Prado trío. Centro Cultural La Tortuga, Madrid.
Nov 29: LaboConcert. Lyon, France.
Sep 11: 65M. Festival Tartu Interdistsiplinaar. Ensemble. Tartu, Estonia.
Oct 9: Improconcert. Trio. Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Tallinn, Estonia.
Nov 8: Release: Perales Andreu/Castrillón - Saturations & noise transformations in two dimensions. Art First Records, Helsinki.
Nov 24: For Morton Feldman, 12 hours Performance. MüriadFest. Tallinn, Estonia.
Nov 25: 25N. Ensemble. Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Tallinn, Estonia.
Dec 4: Improtest. Solo. Kanuti Gildi Saal. Tallinn, Estonia.
Dec 13: no metaphor, a performance for performers. Solo. Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Tallinn, Estonia.
Jan 14: une fissure dans le système, Improvisation concert. Lyon, France
Jan 29: World Premiere of Verbo y Carne by Dudu Bongo & Román Cadafalch, Cines Zumeig. Barcelona, Spain
Feb 2—3: Festival Cabaret, improvised music. Lyon, France
Mar 9: The Neutrals, released new album.
Mar 10: World premiere of ritual dissent by Elena Perales Andreu. Théâtre Astrée. Lyon, France
Apr 28: Subito New Music Week Festival. World premieres of works by Francis St-Germain, Fiona Xue Ju & Giordano Bruno do Nascimento. Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg. Hamburg, Germany
May 15: World premiere of Árbol de Bocas by Luis Fernando Amaya. Northwestern University, Chicago, USA
Jun 7: Blurred Edges Festival. Kirchengemeinde Ottensen. Hamburg, Germany
Jun 18: SPIIC Ensemble. Hamburg, Germany
Jul 14: disidencia ritual. World premiere of disidencia ritual by elena perales andreu in collaboration with Lucía Aragón and Ana María Bermúdez
Sept 10: Rondò in Monferrato: International Workshop for Young Composers 2022 with Divertimento Ensemble
Sep 11: Rondò in Monferrato: International Workshop for Young Composers 2022 with Divertimento Ensemble
Sep 12: Rondò in Monferrato
Sep 21: Huella ignorada, World premiere of three new pieces by elena perales andreu and Camila Nebbia at Ultima Festival. Oslo, Norway
Jan 4—10: Copper Leg Art Residency, Rae Koolimaja. Vaskjala, Estonia.
Feb 15: CoPeCo Improconcert. Royal College of Music of Stockholm. Live streaming.
Feb 22: North-American Experiment Music. Royal College of Music of Stockholm. Live streaming.
Mar 8: Togetherness. 5 hours performance. Royal College of Music of Stockholm. Live streaming.
Mar 25: Svensk Musikvår Festival, Stockholm.
Apr 1: Vínculo Espontáneo. Stockholm, Live streaming.
May 3: amorphous·dark·soft·Viscous·matter - Solo performance. Stockholm, Live streaming.
July 4—18: Konvent Art Residency, Spain.
Jul 15: Nocturna Discordia, Soda Acústic. Barcelona, Spain.
Aug 8: WAM#1, CasaRosa. Barcelona, Spain.
Aug 27: Una grieta en el sistema / microimprovisaciones (I). Live-streaming.
Sep 18—19: Togetherness Chapter 2, Journées du Matrimoine/Patrimoine. Lyon, France.
Sep 30—3: Mixtur Festival. Barcelona, Spain.
Oct 4—17: Early Voices Ensemble tour- Norway.
Nov 12: XIV Ciclo Jóvenes Solistas Murcia. Perales Andreu & Nebbia dúo. Auditorio de Algezares. Murcia, Spain.
Nov 14: Ciclo Raras Músicas sesión 106. Perales Andreu, Nebbia, Prado trío. Centro Cultural La Tortuga, Madrid.
Nov 29: LaboConcert. Lyon, France.
Sep 11: 65M. Festival Tartu Interdistsiplinaar. Ensemble. Tartu, Estonia.
Oct 9: Improconcert. Trio. Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Tallinn, Estonia.
Nov 8: Release: Perales Andreu/Castrillón - Saturations & noise transformations in two dimensions. Art First Records, Helsinki.
Nov 24: For Morton Feldman, 12 hours Performance. MüriadFest. Tallinn, Estonia.
Nov 25: 25N. Ensemble. Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Tallinn, Estonia.
Dec 4: Improtest. Solo. Kanuti Gildi Saal. Tallinn, Estonia.
Dec 13: no metaphor, a performance for performers. Solo. Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Tallinn, Estonia.