no metaphor, a performance for performers
A mixture of sound, words, movement, and visuals combined in the presentation of three new multidisciplinary works
I. enmedio
II. Across my tongue, my words and others’ words… / A través de mi lengua, mis palabras y las palabras de otros… for clarinet and electronics
Elena Perales Andreu - direction, composition, video, and performance
Seo-hwon JI - video and performance
Sergio Castrillón - composer
Juanfran Cabrera - composition and performance
Supported by EMTA - Eesti Muusika ja Teatriakadeemia
Elena Perales Andreu - direction, composition, video, and performance
Seo-hwon JI - video and performance
Sergio Castrillón - composer
Juanfran Cabrera - composition and performance
Supported by EMTA - Eesti Muusika ja Teatriakadeemia